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August 21, 2023

Achieving Optimal Data Access Control for Enhanced Security and Compliance

Picture a sizable multinational finance organization that deals with high volumes of sensitive customer data. “Let’s call it XYZ Financial.”

  1. XYZ is an expanding global banking enterprise offering various products and services, many of which fall under the strict laws and regulations of whatever country they’re offered in.
  2. The company routinely collects sensitive customer data, including personally identifiable information (PII) and financial transactions.
  3. To meet various data security and compliance rules, XYZ must find ways to mitigate data breaches, meet complex data protection laws, and manage data access control as it opens additional branches and hires new staff.

Big data access control is one of the most significant challenges businesses now face. How can organizations simplify accessibility and smooth operations while assuring trust and optimal security? Creating a data access control policy that strikes a balance between accessibility and security can help you meet business objectives and safeguard valuable data assets against threats and breaches.

What is a Data Access Control System?

As the amount of data businesses collect grows by leaps and bounds, so do the challenges of achieving optimal data access control.

  • Complexity and scale. Managing data would be less complicated if it all came from one source. But big data environments handle data generated from various sources, including IoT devices, social media, transaction logs, surveys, customer behavior, market research, and websites. Companies that use distributed storage and processing frameworks face even greater security challenges. Traditional security measures are no longer sufficient to handle big data’s intricacies.
  • Diversity and structure. Big data can be structured, semi-structured, or unstructured, complicating the process of applying uniform security measures across an entire dataset. Unstructured data can be particularly tough to manage, as it lacks predefined patterns. Ensuring consistent security controls requires advanced security solutions, including data access control automation.
  • Real-time processing and analysis. The need to instantaneously extract meaningful insights from collected data can be hampered by traditional security measures. In some cases, it involves relaxing security protocols to maintain speed. Unfortunately, that can result in vulnerabilities that just aren’t worth the risk. Organizations must find a way to enable fast data processing without putting data at risk of attack.
  • Balancing security and user experience. Too-strict access controls can impede productivity. Overly relaxed ones can increase the risk of data breaches. Finding the right balance is critical to maintaining security and operational efficiency.

As you’ll see below, addressing these and other challenges while maintaining compliance with data protection regulations requires a combination of advanced access control methods, automation, audits, and more.

Build Secure &
Scalable Data Access

Learn the six key requirements to scale your data access without compromising on security.

Achieve Optimal Data Access Control

Data access management is an ongoing endeavor that requires company-wide participation. The good news is that developing a broad data access control policy with the right combination of technical measures, organizational practices, and user awareness can help any organization achieve optimal data access control.

Here’s how our fictional XYZ financial services company could develop and implement such a policy.

  1. Role-based access control (RBAC) and attribute-based access control (ABAC) implementation ensures data access privileges are granted based on either user roles and responsibilities or other attributes like location, device type, and data sensitivity.
  2. Leverage data tokenization techniques to protect at-rest and in-transit data, ensuring that even if unauthorized access occurs, the data remains encrypted and unusable by anyone other than those with permission.
  3. Perform continuous monitoring and auditing to track data access activities and identify unusual access patterns, potential security breaches, and suspicious behavior.
  4. Invest in user training that outlines data access and handling rules, roles, and responsibilities. Doing so motivates users to actively participate in the process and contributes to a culture of data security awareness and responsibility.  
  5. Update the policy regularly to stay compliant with evolving data security regulations and requirements.

The Role of Data Access Control Automation

One of the most significant advances in data access control has been the introduction of automation, with AI-driven solutions streamlining processes, improving efficiency, and mitigating human error. Data access control automation boosts security and compliance via:

  • Efficient granting and revoking of data access, ensuring new and departing employees, vendors, and other stakeholders have the appropriate level of access, including no access at all.
  • Automated, standardized workflows that reduce the burden on IT administrators, ensuring access is consistently granted or denied based on predefined policies.
  • Dynamic access control based on user roles, responsibilities, and data sensitivity, guaranteeing 24/7 appropriate access levels while minimizing manual intervention.
  • Real-time monitoring and alerts for any suspicious behavior, enabling prompt action against security threats or unauthorized access attempts.
  • Automated audit trails that allow organizations to demonstrate data access control policy adherence during investigations and audits.
  • Integration with IAM (identity and access management) systems provides a centralized platform for managing a user’s identity and access privileges.
  • Enforcement of data retention policies, helping businesses comply with data security laws and regulations and avoid retaining sensitive data longer than required.
  • Data access control policy consistency and standardization across an organization, reducing the risk of human error that typically occurs in manual processes.

Data access control automation also helps enterprises achieve more effective and comprehensive security measures and enables IT teams to focus on strategic security initiatives while routine tasks are handled automatically.

Data Access Control in the Cloud

Moving data has never been easier than with cloud computing, whose flexibility, scalability, and cost-effectiveness have transformed data management. But keeping cloud-based data compliant presents unique challenges for those responsible for data governance and access control.

A primary concern is how to adhere to data governance principles while maintaining optimal data access in cloud environments. As data flows through various jurisdictions, companies must often navigate multiple international regulations, including Europe’s GDPR and the US’s California Consumer Privacy Act or CCPA.

Proactive cloud compliance measures, including access control automation, ensure businesses can confidently invest in cloud computing, leverage its benefits, and securely manage data while meeting worldwide data protection regulations. In doing so, they also reinforce customer trust, strengthen their data governance practices, and safeguard PII.

How Velotix Ensures Superior Data Access Control for Security & Compliance

Organizations looking to secure their data and comply with data protection laws and regulations need a robust data security platform that protects sensitive information, enables data access and contributes to the company’s growth and success.If you want a data-driven enterprise, you need to access data. AI-powered Velotix revolutionizes the way your organization can manage and control data access. It ensures seamless information sharing and consumption while safeguarding sensitive business information from unauthorized disclosure. The solution uses advanced algorithms and context-aware controls to enable precise data access privileges, granting access only to users who need it to perform their tasks. In short, it’s everything your organization needs to achieve optimal data access control and data-driven success.

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