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Joiner/Mover/Leaver Permissions


Automate the JML Process

Update data access when employees join, move, or leave your company with highly sophisticated AI-based permission management. Identity lifecycle mismanagement can lead to data misuse, improper data sharing, non-compliance, and possible data breaches. Avoid these security risks by automatically detecting changes in employee positions, updating your employee directory, and remediating any conflicts that arise with the help of AI.

Integrate Your Active Directory

Velotix connects to your active directory and syncs every hour, consuming metadata to understand who works for your company, where they’re located, what their role is, and other important information that relates to their permission posture within the organization.

Correlate To Your Policies

Velotix compares user permissions with your policy database looking for any conflicts across your users’ attributions.

Update Permissions with Ease

Any time an employee’s permissions no longer align, Velotix generates a request for the organizational policies to be updated to reflect the change, so you can easily manage the JML process and remain compliant.

Get Alerts When Conflicts Arise

If a conflict arises, Velotix sends an alert and documents all issues in an intuitive dashboard. That way you can see the problem, the user, the data in question, the level of sensitivity, and the action items needed to resolve the issue and remain secure.

Book Your Free Demo

See how Velotix can help you gain control of your data security and compliance.